

AviAnna Acres offers many types of eggs.  All our birds are fed a diet of grain, vegetables, bread, oats and cracked corn with flax seed supplemented. The chickens, ducks, and peacocks are allowed to free range throughout the farm.

Call 302-559-7225 to purchase
For local purchase and pickup only. 

Chicken Eggs

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Free range chickens produce eggs that are high in omega 3's and lower in cholesterol than penned chickens.

Duck eggs

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Duck eggs contain slightly less water and more fat than chicken eggs, and their firmer whites contain more protein, making them superior for baking! Often, those allergic to chicken eggs can eat duck eggs without a problem.

Quail eggs


Fun for small appetizers or sushi or a unique breakfast experience!

Guinea eggs

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Guineas only lay eggs in the spring.

Avianna Acres
Sandwich, IL
Located 50 miles NW of Chicago